Social Fiction Conference

February 24, 2024

The SFC schedule is finally here!

To stay updated, the website linked above ( will provide the most current information for this year’s SFC.

Analyzing societal issues in science fiction, fantasy, and gaming

For over a dozen years the Social Fiction Conference (SFC) has highlighted Crown’s first year student co-curricular experience. SFC provides a unique opportunity for analyzing important societal issues in the context of science fiction, speculative fiction, fantasy, gaming and other related genres of entertainment. The conference is a co-curricular program designed to create space for festive activities and reflective conversations about issues of identity, power, privilege, and oppression through various fictional worlds. The conference is a part of Crown College students’ first year Core curriculum experience and delves deeper into Crown’s theme of “Science and Technology in Society and Politics” through the imaginative and diverse perspectives of the Crown, the wider UCSC community and beyond. 

For more information about SFC and the various event platforms we support, check out our All Things SFC document!

All UCSC students, staff, faculty, and affiliated community members are welcome to propose program sessions and participate!

Present at SFC

The SFC Planning Committee invites a diversity of program submissions! Events can be recorded, live streamed, or a combination of the two formats with active participant engagement opportunities through Q & A sessions, on-line response activity such as trivia, or scavenger hunt related to the presentation topic. Suggested maximum program length is 1 hour. Free tech moderator and support available for a limited number of submissions!

SFC was created by Crown staff and students interested in exploring these themes and sharing their interests and passions.

Examples include:

  • Art gallery and other visual media
  • Citizen science projects with Social Fiction theme
  • Cosplay
  • Debates or discussions with Social Fiction theme
  • Comics, graphic novels and speculative fiction based events
  • Debates or discussions with Social Fiction theme
  • Facilitating educational workshops (arts and crafts, computer/tech skills, maker’s space, etc.)
  • Fantasy-based events
  • Interactive activities (on-line games, escape rooms, workshops, scavenger games, trivia, etc.)
  • Instagram stories and/or Instagram TV and/or Instagram Live events
  • General Meeting with Social Fiction theme
  • Lectures
  • Music/theatrical/poetry production
  • Podcasts
  • Recorded events to screen
  • Science Fiction events
  • Showcasing original artwork (virtual art gallery software is being explore)
  • Screening original video/multimedia projects
  • Analysis and discussion on social impacts of pop culture
  • Other ideas – amaze and surprise us!

The submission deadline for proposals has now passed.


For general questions and accommodation requests, email