Crown College

Student and Parent Resources


Student and Parent Resources

We’ve compiled a list of resources for your needs while you are a student at UC Santa Cruz. Parents and guardians are welcome to utilize the information below, as well, but we strongly encourage students to take the initiative and conduct their affairs themselves while they attend college.

The office for the Financial Aid and Scholarships can be found in the Hahn Student Services building located near the bookstore.
Most academic affairs are handled through your affiliated college. The College/Academic Office offers resources to you in your time as a student here, including one-on-one consultations with academic advisors, academic appeals, consultations to help you choose your major and instructions on how to apply for your major, all information regarding your graduation process, and anything concerning the core course. This is also where you would go to pick up your current quarter sticker or get information about the Mail Room.

For general information, such as billing, meal plans, important dates, policies and contracts, room rates, and other important information the UCSC-wide Campus Housing Office is an excellent place to find answers.

For any information specific to Crown College you can contact our Housing Coordinator. General questions can often be answered by our office staff at the Housing and Residential Education Office, located in the Merrill Plaza Building under the old Viva’s Restaurant.

You are currently on our Housing and Residential Education Office’s website, but if you’d like to contact us via phone you can call our front desk at (831) 459-5689. Our Office Coordinator or Student Office Assistants can answer many questions, or direct you to the appropriate resources. Our office is located in the Merrill Plaza, below the old Viva’s Restaurant. Our hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Crown College Professional and Student Staff:​

For a complete list of our staff members and their contact information please visit our staff directory.

All accounts and billing affairs are handled through Student Business Services. Their office is located in the Hahn Student Services building near the bookstore.

Postal Services:

Every student living on campus has a mailbox located at their affiliated college. Your box number will be assigned to you a day or two after you move into your housing. Packages may be received via your mailbox. The mailroom for Crown College is located near the Crown Circle, right across from the Academic building. Please contact if you have any questions regarding mail or mailboxes at Crown. 

The University has created a page specifically for parents and guardians. The information provided on this website is tailored to the needs and concerns of parents and guardians and therefore is an excellent resource.