Fellowships and Funding


Please download your application and email with attachments to aywright@ucsc.edu  This fund offers up to $300 towards materials needed by current Crown College students for class projects. These projects may include: Academic research, Creative initiatives, Artistic endeavors. 

Winter Quarter: February 28th
Spring Quarter: April 13th

Types of Projects Considered:

The Crown Class Material Fund offers up to $300 to support individual undergraduate projects by Crown students. These projects may include:
  1. Academic research
  2. Creative initiatives
  3. Artistic endeavors
  4. Senior Thesis
  5. Individual Projects
  6. Group Projects
  • Maxiumum request is $300
  • Crown College undergraduate students only
  • Crown Class Material Funds cannot be used to subsidize Education Abroad programs, class enrollment fees, salaries, personal living expenses, pre-existing ongoing projects, gifts, mementos, award plaques, or recurring or annual events.
  • The award is given as reimbursement. Original receipts must be submitted to the Associate Director of Academic Planning and Student Success (cmalcom@ucsc.edu, 831-459-4908, Carrie Malcom).
  • One application per group. If you are applying for a group project, one person will apply for the entire group and that person will be responsible for use and reporting of all funds received.
  • No project may receive support more than once from this funding source.
  • Crown College retains the right to end additional funding of this program at the end of each academic fiscal year (June 30th).
  • Funding decisions will be made one week after each application deadline. Notification will be by email to the address on your application.

See Also